Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Last night was the second time in a month that I have had a very vivid dream that I have given birth to twins. The first dream was the most sublime dream I have ever recalled. (It's really only a coincidence that it was 5 days after Brangelina had twins.) It was a dream about pure love. All I remember is staring at my babies-- one boy and one girl-- and feeling my heart burst with love as I propped them up on little baby pillows. At one point I was showing Jeff how beautiful and perfect they were.

Last night's dream was not quite as "pure joy," or as clear, but I know I had twins in a stroller and I was on the road from Forreston to Waxahachie, Texas (where my paternal grandmother used to live). People were asking me about the babies and I was showing them off. They were really small.

I record this here now just in case one day I have twins. How cool would that be? Once I got over the shock and exhaustion and total terror of raising two children simultaneously, I think it would be really profound to look back the dreams that helped prepare me.

Speaking of babies, when I got to spin class this morning, I was surrounded by pregnant ladies. Pregnant lady #1 was on the bike next to me, and before class she called over to Pregnant lady #2 and said, "That's not fair! I look way more pregnant than you." Well, now all of spin class knows that Pregnant lady #2 is sperminated. They compared their stomachs and breasts and then class started.

I may or may not be totally peeved that both Pregnant lady #1 and Pregnant lady #2 kicked my ass in class. Oh, it's not enough to have large glorious breasts and have a womb full of human life and also have to show up the rest of us in spin class?

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