I am keenly aware that time is ticking away. But on this beautiful Sunday, I want to read the paper, watch the Olympics and relax. I don't want to do any "wedding planning" or any catch up from last week's business trip. I don't want to get ready for the week ahead. I want to lay on the couch. (Or is it lie on the couch?)
Last week I traveled to the Rocky Mountains for work, which was fun and productive. I got to have dinner with my college roommate who is going to be doing a reading at our wedding. She's fantastic....I laughed so hard at her stories about her amazing children and her ability to do it all with humor, grace, and sincerity. I love her!
J and I are working through the China debate. He does not want China. Originally, I didn't either, but then I saw a pattern that I just adore. I can't get it out of my mind. It's so delicate and beautiful. The entire set together looks almost Asian-- there is a lot of detail and color that I just adore. J is not persuaded. Not even close. I wish I could stop thinking about it. If we don't get Chirp, I sort of don't even want China. I don't see the point of getting something that is so plain it looks like our everyday China from Crate and Barrel. I want something colorful and special and beautiful.... I suppose I am grateful that this is our biggest "debate." We also had words about whether to register for Le Crueset or Martha Stewart dutch ovens. I voted for Le Crueset, which is about 200.00 more. Many of our negotiations come down to money: I almost always want the more expensive and J almost always wants the less expensive. Who will win the battle over China???? (Did I mention that it's also dishwasher- and microwave-safe!)
I am prepared to let go of the Chirp forever. Maybe I'll buy myself one little platter or plate to remind me of the value of compromise. I probably won't let Jeff eat off of it, though.
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