This weekend the Bridled With Joy staff got many opportunities to connect with friends and support the people we love doing the things they love to do. One of the things I love most about Jeff is his loyalty and his ability to follow through. When he says he will help someone do something, he shows up 100%. This weekend was a microcosm of the way that Jeff generally lives his life-- looking out for others and offering support and guidance wherever he can.

Jeff with Krista B.B. working on student loan exit counseling. Jeff and Krista made their way through the government's website meant to illuminate student loan issues and options. I am proud to report that Krista and Jeff together took the quiz at the end and earned an impressive 100%.

Jeff holding up a sign at the Chicago Marathon (mile 14) for our cardiovascularly superior friends, Leon and Fran, who are married to one another, though they do not share a marathon pace. Jeff held that sign up over his head for about 20 minutes as we looked through the crowd for Fran. Incidentally, Jeff and I had a little teeny tiff about the sign this very morning. The tiff went something like this: The damn sign was my idea, but then I was just about to drop the ball on it, so Jeff picked up the ball and the first thing I said when he grabbed it could very understandably be construed as a criticism at worst and and unhelpful observation at best, so we had to discuss our respective concepts of "teamwork" and "communication" and "how best to paint a sign for the marathon" this morning. There is no doubt in either of our minds that the stress of being close to wedding day and all we have on our plates exacerbated the Sign Situation this morning.

Jeff and Dr. Fran running this rather hot morning during the Chicago marathon. Jeff has a fine form and made it about .2 miles. He reports feelings sore in his calves and in his arms from holding the infamous sign up for so long. Fran ran an awesome race and we are proud of her accomplishment. We are proud of Leon too, though I couldn't get the camera ready in time to catch him in action.

I insisted on getting more pictures of the sign as a symbol of our communication woes this morning. Jeff is a whiz with that big black marker that smells like toxic fumes. I do love the smell of that marker. I have to admit that Jeff was right: doing the sign was important because we told Leon and Fran we would have it and Jeff leads the way on follow through at our house.

Jeff is also good at grocery shopping and remembering what cleaning products we need in order to keep our house habitable. We haven't made the leap to environmentally friendly cleaning products, but it's on my list of things to do. We made the mistake of watching An Inconvenient Truth, and all it did was scare the bejesus out of me with regard to all things environmental. I was too freaked out to finish watching it, having just recovered from a steep, downward spiral regarding the economy. Maybe after the wedding I can become more educated on the manifold ways in which our planet is turning into a cess pool.

Yes, that's Jeff under the kitchen sink endeavoring to fix a leak that he discovered a few weeks ago. The resolution of this situation is still underway, though we have a new Kohler faucet that is going to make its way to our sink very soon. I am in awe of what Jeff can fix around the house. My M.O. is to remain oblivious until there is water knee-deep in the kitchen, though I can see the many virtues of stopping a leak under the sink before it becomes a flood.
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