Today is a new day. Today we got our engagement pictures from our fabulous photographer, Jennifer Mordini. http://www.jennifermordini.com/. (NOT pictured above, but you get the idea.) She took 387 pictures of me and Jeff last month and the results are stunning. I am barely phased by the fact that about half of them are shots of my backside. She did something so amazing that as a non-photographer I just don't know how to do-- that is, take a picture that tells the viewer a story about the subjects' relationship. It's just amazing to see. Jeff and I looked at some of them together and laughed so hard when we saw pictures that perfectly capture a certain look we've seen a thousand times. My favorites are the ones where she has captured how Jeff's face looks and how his hand gestures when he is explaining something to me. There are some where it looks like I am concentrating on what he is saying and it's kind of a mindblowing experience to see how I look when I am thinking really hard. I love photo number 323, because I would swear on my vital organs that Jeff has just said "oh really?" to me with that tone that conveys his (accurate) perception that I am full of shit. And by photo 327, it looks like I have come clean and admitted I am a devious liar and the charade is up.
I will confess I am partial to the ones that make it seem like I have long legs (which I don't and that's why all my pants are either "A" for ankle length or "P" for petite-- meaning short ass legs)and a flat abs (which I do but only in comparison to my ample bosom), but mostly I love the ones that show me a split second of who Jeff and I are together. Chemistry, I believe it's called.
I also believe without a doubt that there is a God, because never in my life have I had a good hair day coincide with a day where a picture of me is going to be taken. Vain? Yes. A believer? I am now!
I have to read a treatise on copyright law before I can post the pictures on this blog. Let me get back to you on that one. Maybe I can get a junior associate at my law firm to read up on it as a pro bono project. I told Jeff I wanted a camera like Jennifer's, but he seems to think it takes more than a camera to make the kind of pictures we have just fallen in love with. Jeff says you need a degree, training and years of experience. I guess that's why the prints are about 12.00 each for a 4x6!
In case I haven't been clear, Jennifer's work has erased the bitter taste I had in my mouth from yesterday's unfortunate little incident at that department store, the name of which will never pass over my lips again. I would have married Jeff no matter how he looked in pictures, but I sure do consider it a bonus that he's extremely photogenic and has a great a**.
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