In honor of the 100th post to this esteemed blog, Bridled With Joy is going to resort to a law school favorite: the bullet point. Sometimes, you just gotta use the bullet point format to get the information conveyed.
Here goes:
- Jeff relayed his FIRST ever wedding dream to me this morning. As I heard it, he was dreaming he was at our wedding and trying to make a connection with our officiant, Judge Milton Shadur. I haven't made it to get my psychology degree (yet), but I think Jeff may have had a little anxiety about meeting Judge Shadur for the FIRST time today, when we all sat down together to go over the ceremony particulars. (I had just had a dream about shopping at Home Depot. Talk about freaky friday-- I dreamed about home improvement projects and Jeff dreamed about the wedding-- that's the clearest case of role reversal I have never heard of.)
- Mr. Manager from that department store on State Street still hasn't called me. I left another voicemail today using my best Southern, lilting, business-pleasant voice. It may be time to LET IT GO.
- Letting go: still not my forte.
- Jeff and I went to see Boris the Jeweler today so I could try on my wedding band. It's already gorgeous, and it has no diamonds yet. I am becoming fast friends with the bling bling.
- We are starting to get some really fancy, shiny, professional kitchen gifts. I can't wait til Jeff uses them to cook something positively dee-lish!
- Wondering how to process the shiny red kitchen aid mixer we got from Jro, the shrink formerly known as Dr. Crimson Nose. All I have to say is thank God it wasn't sheets, because do I really need the stress of having to process a gift of bed linens for me and Jeff from my shrink? (NO! The answer is no!!! Thank god I don't have to.)
- Starting to get concerned about my little Facebook addiction. I now have 57 friends. But, 1 is too many and 57 is not enough. May be time for an intervention.
- I am very much enjoying how alive I feel from worrying and fretting about the economy and it's every rise and fall. I especially enjoy early morning emails from colleagues informing me about mass layoff at other legal organizations around the country. It's invigorating to start the day with the black cloud of economic hardship and potential unemployment looming ominously over my head, even if it is only in my imagination.
- In case I haven't mentioned it in this forum, time is crawling by. At the pace of a one-legged snail. I keep thinking any second now, time is going to start whizzing by and I'll find myself under a chuppah, reminding myself to stand up straight and be present while I say my vows to Jeff. But, it's not. Every morning this week I woke up thinking, disappointed, "yep, still about six weeks left." Last week and this week were the longest weeks of my life so far. It's like the agony of waiting for Christmas morning, except I am an adult and it's taking longer. I think Jeff said it best in an email to a friend he reconnected with on Facebook: "wedding planning is good and terrible."
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