In this whirlwind of wedding plans, preparation and presents, I have to give pea green pot a shout out. I love it because the lid is so heavy I consider it a work out to lift it twice to check on food. Bonus points if I actually wash it when I am done, though I have never actually done that.
Look how delicious our food looks in the pot:

Speaking of shout-outs, can I just say that it's wholly overwhelming to see how creative and loving people have been around every single aspect of my wedding. It makes me see what a crappy wedding guest I have been. First of all, before my shower my friends were asking me what I really wanted off the registry. I am positive it never occurred to me to ask a guest of honor what she wanted for her registry. My typical shower m.o. is to forget to RSVP, remember at the very last second, scramble to find the invitation to see where the bride-- my dear friend-- is registered, and then log on to Crate and Barrel after business hours to see if anything easy to wrap is left on the registry. Not my peeps who have taking very seriously the notion that this is all about me. I think when I was on the other side of the wedding coin, I thought that was a silly and self-indulgent adage that brides rely on when they are being vicious and intolerable to the people who share their world. Apparently, some people take that seriously.
And our wedding guests in general! It's really something else to behold how much love and attention people give to their response cards! Again, not being a very considerate wedding guest in the past, I think I usually waited around until the last minute to return the response cards. I remember one wedding where the bride was calling me a week before her wedding to ask if I was coming. I shudder in shame thinking about making poor Cindy B. track me down when she likely had one or two better things to do than beg me to check my schedule and commit to one of the biggest days of her life. I think there was a wedding in college that I RSVP'ed yes to, but then at the last minute didn't attend. I have to think that somewhere out there there's a former bride that is less than thrilled to ever hear my name. Maybe she'll write a nasty note on my Facebook wall, so I can be "publicly" scorned.
It's a real affirmation to have friends and guests who are nicer and more socially polite than I am! People are RSVP-ing to our wedding well ahead of the deadline. Not only that, but opening up those response cards is the joy of our day. People have written the kindest and cutest notes on their cards. I just love that someone-- lots of someones-- took the time to write in that they are attending "joyfully and gratefully" or that they are looking forward to celebrating with us. These small gestures really stop me short and help me take in the magnitude of love and support we have. We also got the most lovely decline from friends who had previously scheduled family plans in Mexico that were not possible to alter.
I have learned how to be a much better wedding guest from all these people who took it upon themselves to write outside of the margin or draw a picture of Jon Bon Jovi and inform us that Mr. Bon Jovi will not be attending the festivities on November 29th. Each of these morsels are making a big old memory stew worthy of our big green pot.
Second favorite new toy: Pepper grinder! I seem to favor those items that are heavy and could be used as weapons in the case of an emergency.
Finally, I had a dream last night that I had a baby boy. In the dream I was changing his diaper and having the time of my life making faces at my son and trying not to vomit because his diaper and its overflowing contents smelled exactly as you would expect it to smell. Only a kid that belonged to me and Jeff would have diapers that smelly. The best part of the dream was that I had mastered how to smile and try not to vomit at the same time. It's all about core strength.
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