Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bridal Juke Box

Playing today: Fleetwood Mac's "Bleed to Love Her."

I don't get it. But I love the melody and the chorus. I downloaded this one day after spin class (weird song for spin, huh?) and when I was telling Jeff about it he was very excited because he likes it too! He was also exercised that I bought it off iTunes when he has the CD and the song was actually already on my iPod. Oops.

Right before we moved to the Love Nest we danced in the office of my old condo to this song....Jeff was trying to convince me that he knows how to dance, which was relevant because he had moments before batted down my suggestion of getting dance lessons as if I had suggested that he grab some jalapenos and try to get a little salmonella for the weekend.

FYI: This is what Jeff said to me when he was showing me what a great dancer he is: "Jump when I jump."

NOTE to Jeff: Just because it works for a rousing round of double-dutch jump roping doesn't mean it's dancing.


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