Bridled with Joy has been a little light on previews of the groom's side of the aisle. I realized this when Debbie S-M asked me who the groomsmen are. After painstakingly chronicling all things bridal, it seems a little lopsided that I haven't said much at all about Jeff's posse. What any ardent follower of this blog needs to know is that the moral and emotional core of the groomsmen is David A. Ellis, Jeff's older brother. There is no kinder and hilarious man on the planet. Jeff and I agree that David is nicer than both of us, by a WAY long shot. He's also way funnier. He's been very welcoming of me since I first met him, 3 weeks into dating Jeff back in 2007. He's so good-hearted and such a good sport about absolutely everything that if he wasn't so nice, I might hate him for making it so clear what a morally falliable person I am.

(Also, I am writing this at 4:33 a.m., and I have been up since 3. Before that, I was up from 2-2:30, getting a snack and waiting for Jeff to come home from work. Yes, that's right, Jeff's work suddenly exploded so if I want to have a private conversation at home with my fiance, I have to wait until about 3:15 a.m. When life hands us lemons, we make lemonade...then I drink too much and get a canker sore, and have to swear off citrus and acids for about a week, but I digress.)
So, back to dear David. He looks a lot like Jeff, except he is a little bit shorter and he works out so he's got some guns. I have never met a man that loves a fart joke as much as I do. It's secretly my favorite thing about David. Actually, it's probably a good thing he likes fart jokes so much because he prepped Jeff for what will be the rest of his life with me.
Jeff calls him Davey Baby and I refer to him as the Tender Button. He's one of those people that I am so glad exist -- because his consideration of others and total selflessness seems other worldly-- but you also hope the world doesn't take too much advantage of. For example, during the wedding weekend, I hope he doesn't end up in a cab with the same cab driver I had the other night because I am pretty sure that guy tried to steal my soul.

No, not Siamese twins! Little Southern California boys catching some shut eye in what looks like a very uncomfortable position. You will note that Jeff (our little number 16) has positioned his rather large head on top of Davey's cartoid artery. And, perhaps that gives everyone a little inkling as to why I am awake right now and Jeff is asleep. It ain't easy to sleep with a giant head blocking your life force. I'll have to get some tips from Davey when he's in town for the wedding.
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